Betsy W. and Arnaud P.
We took B&K hammer measurements on the QUAD installed on BSC1. The configuration during the measurement was BSC1 locked QUAD unlocked and Vibration Absorbers ON.
The position of the accelerometer and the direction of axis were chosen from LLO measurements, cf picture attached to post 6022.
As for LLO, the hammer trigger threshold was set to 10N.
Two configurations of measurement have been recorded. For each of them, the 3 directions (X Y and Z) were saved from the accelerometer :
-excitation (hammer hit) along the X axis
-excitation (hammer hit) along the Y axis
The TF plots generated by Pulse Labshop have been directly exported to excel then pdf (enclosed). Each figure is showing phase (plot above) and magnitude (plot below)
Comparing the results to the ones from LLO (cf post 6022), the only particular thing to mention is the anti-resonnance at 25Hz for the two measurements.
Otherwise, for the X impact-X response (first pdf, blue curve, 2nd plot), as for LLO we find peaks at 75Hz, 125Hz and 150Hz.
For the Y impact-X response (second pdf, blue curve,2nd plot), as for LLO we find a peak at 75Hz and an anti-resonnance at around 125Hz.
A bit of investigation will be needed before validating that step.