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Reports until 20:13, Thursday 31 January 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 20:13, Thursday 31 January 2013 - last comment - 09:28, Friday 01 February 2013(5344)
IMC power budget completed tonight:

- Giacomo, Cheryl

Alignment of the IMC, and IM3 and IM4, increased IFO REFL from 106mW earlier this week to 147mW today, giving 90% power coupled into the IMC.  In our first measurement, the IMC alignment had drifted away from optimum, and the the IFO REFL beam was clipped on the baffle in front of IM4.

Power budget: 

Location Power (mW) Time      
PSL before 210       alog #5100, 14 January 2013
PSL 178.3 1043721378   84.90% of the PSL "before"
IMC Refl Unlocked 178 1043720171   99.83% of the PSL beam
IMC Refl Unlocked PosB 2.11 1043719839   1.19% of the REFL beam
IMC Refl Locked (estimated) 15.18     8.53% of the unlocked beam
IMC Refl Locked PosB 0.18 1043719643   8.53% of the unlocked beam
IM1 Trans 0.072 1043719495      
IM4 Trans FWD 0.0216 1043718853      
IM4 Trans BWD 0.33 1043718853      
Park 147 1043717883   90.29% of the power coupled in the IMC


Comments related to this report
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - 09:28, Friday 01 February 2013 (5349)
I should add that before this power budget was made I aligned the IMC and got IMC REFL down to 48 " counts"', and after the IMC broke lock and relocked IMC REFL was at 34 "counts"', which is a big improvement from our previous low of 50 "counts". To get this low IMC REFL I was down to aligning MC1, MC2, and MC3 at the level of +/-1 on the offsets that control the pitch and yaw of the mirrors, which means the alignment is close to optimum by human servo. The IMC stayed locked overnight, and temperature oscillations drove IMC REFL up and down, and throughout the night the low returned to 34 counts.
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