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Reports until 17:55, Friday 01 February 2013
hugo.paris@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:55, Friday 01 February 2013 (5355)
IMC - ISI Isolation loops level 3 engaged

Design of isolation loops for HAM-ISIs go in 3 steps:
1) - Isolation loops level 1 :UGF=10Hz
2) - Isolation loops level 2: UGF=25Hz
3) - Isolation loops level 3: UGF=35Hz
The higher the step, the more sophisticated the control loops are.

Level 3 Isolation loops were designed, and installed, on HAM3-ISI a couple weeks ago. They were not used then.

The design of Level 3 isolation loops for HAM2-ISI was completed today. These control loops were installed and tested in cunjuction with their counterparts, running on HAM3-ISI:
- The IMC was locked right away (Gain=10dB, boost filter engaged) ~ 1.45pm PCT
- Spectra of the IMC length controls were taken, and compared with results obtained with the level 2 isolation loops (same blen filters used)

- Better performance in the 5Hz-10Hz range
- Better performance in low frequencies, below 200mHz


- The IMC is still locked (5.41pm) and I am about to lower its loop gain to 0dB, just to make sure the servo does not damage anything if the IMC loses lock (requested by Giacomo & Cheryl)
- Ground motion is a bit favorable now, but not in the range of improvements, along the X-axis.
- Level 3 isolation loops will be left engaged over the weekend (see attached screenshots for Watchdog Values).

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