Reports until 19:40, Monday 04 February 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 19:40, Monday 04 February 2013 (5369)
SUS BS re-alignment and more re-alignment

Travis, Betsy, Jason, Doug

After the jinxing at the morning meeting regarding how easy the Beamsplitter alignment was going, we proceeded to walk the pitch and yaw DOFs all over the place for most of the day.  LIGO Lesson #239: Never assume that things are going well.  Lesson #240: Never announce that things are going well in a meeting.

Yesterday, we had the pitch and yaw alignment close albiet at the ends of adjustment ranges in both DOFs.  We had a bit of a differential pitch between the top mass and the optic which meant we were unable to center the BOSEMs once pitch and yaw had been aligned.  So, after chasing tails a bit, we bit (!) the bullet and used the pushers to adjust the yaw, while keeping the BOSEMs all in range.

We left with yaw and pitch back to being close, but need to finish OSEM alignment in the morning.  Then, on to a quick TF set, followed by baffle alignment, as was the plan today.