Reports until 06:58, Tuesday 05 February 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 06:58, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5372)
H1SUSMC2.txt Foton File Copied to the Userapps Repo
In order to help investigate / model the recent problems with IMC closed loop TF changes (see LHO aLOGs 5279, 5294, and 5367), I've copied over the foton file for H1SUSMC2 into the userapps repo and committed,

Note, though it's been verbally agreed upon during a few CDS software calls, most of these filter files are *not* hard links to the userapps repo. We should really get this decision in a CDS requirements document, and make sure all sub-systems obey -- because now we're in an awkward state where the chans folder is full of original files, soft links, hard links, and it's not clear at any point if the repository or the chans folders is the right place to go for currently-in-use filter files.