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Reports until 12:40, Tuesday 05 February 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:40, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5373)
Maintenance summary

WP3698: change of h1iopseib6 model to permit up to 10 IPC errors per second from h1susb6. Completed, required restart of h1hpietmy and h1isietmy as well as h1iopseib6.

DAQ was restarted. This caused some 0x2bad mx_stream errors which resulted in a restart of mx_stream on h1sush34, h1susauxh2,h1seib1 and h1susauxb6. h1psl0 data was seen to go bad during these restarts.

The DAQ restart allowed the configuring of the new H1EDCU_ASCIMC.ini file which has the duplicate GAIN channels removed.

Investigation of DC offset to chan adc_1_7 on h1ascimc is proceding.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.