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Reports until 17:25, Tuesday 05 February 2013
michael.landry@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:25, Tuesday 05 February 2013 (5381)
Final iLIGO test mass deinstalled
With the EY envelope vented, both doors removed on BSC10, and the downstream nozzle leading to the new spool and to BSC6 dammed, we deinstalled H1 ETMY (final iLIGO test mass on the project).

We made an inspection and photo survey for particulate of the chamber, nozzles, optic and SUS, with not much out of the ordinary observed, save what looks like a tan epoxy-like residue on one chamber wall (sample preserved - the in-chamber cleaning crew has seen a variety of residues before, that have typically FTIR'd clean).  We then clamped the optic with EQ stops and teflon, extracted OSEMs, removed DLC mount/black glass etc from the optics table, and un-dogged/lowered the SUS to the flooring. We then removed it from the chamber. It will be set in the EY TMS lab for optic extraction from the SUS. This test mass is bound for KAGRA.  Next up is passive stack removal.

(Fauver/Landry/Gateley/Layne/Z. Haux/Healis)
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