Reports until 11:19, Thursday 07 February 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:19, Thursday 07 February 2013 (5407)
ALS PSL fiber setup : fiber power went down but then got back somehow ?

[Max and Kiwamu]

 Max noticed that the light coming out from the ALS-PSL fiber became at a micro watts level some hours after we tuned the fiber alignment [1] in the past Tuesday. Today we stepped in the PSL room again to investigate the causes and realign the optics. However it turned out that the coupled power was back at the same level of 1.7 mW as we had before. We don't have any idea of what happened as the slow channel for the fiber power monitor is not recorded yet. We need the channel to be recoreded to investigate this issue further. All we did today was addition of two more dog clamps for the base plate of the fiber coupler to make it stiffer and realignment of the steering mirrors.

Note :
 There is a BNC output, labeled as "external power", on the front panel of the fiber distribution box in ISC R4. This gave us a voltage of 0.12 V when the fiber output light was at 1.7 mW.

[1] LHO alog 5377 "Realignment of the ALS-PSL fiber launcher setup"