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Reports until 15:41, Friday 08 February 2013
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:41, Friday 08 February 2013 (5431)
PRM Phase 2b TFs - ready to roll

Betsy (sadly logged in as Robert)


Today, we finished adjusting the roll, pitch, and z DOFs of the glass PRM.  The center of the optic is sitting at 158.75mm above the table surface (if it had the 19.1mm spacer under it).  The nominal is 158.8 +/- 1mm.

Travis adjusted the top stage BOSEMs to center in x,y,z and Mark is on deck to run TFs.

We;ll refit the lower stage OSEMs next week.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.