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Reports until 17:34, Friday 08 February 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:34, Friday 08 February 2013 (5437)
start of new IOP models, cleanup of existing models

Following the install of OneStop cards in the IO Chassis for h1seib2 and h1susauxb123 I made the first release of the IOP models for these front ends.

h1iopseib2 and h1iopsusauxb123 models were started this morning.

I went through all the H1 IOP models this afternoon to clean them up, bring the comments up to date and add the SVN keywords $HeadURL$ and $Id$.

I then added the propset for these keywords and submitted to svn.

I'll schedule a rebuild and restart of all IOP models at some future maintenance time.

h1susauxh34 received a new OneStop card but is still showing a power supply problem.

I also cleaned up the LHO CDS Overview medm screen to remove systems we are not immediately installing (e.g. SUS ITMX) to remove misleading white blocks.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.