There will be MANY MANY more details later, but Vlad, Aaron, and I are installing the new 20200103 calibration model.
Well, really, the installation is now complete, and we're characterizing the new goodness.
Aaron has also restarted the GDS pipeline, so that should be good to go as well.
We've confirmed that our TDCFs are saying the same thing, and they were better than before.
Also, we've confirmed that the ~153 Hz UIM actuator feature is now removed as we wanted and expected.
The next observation segment we enter will have this new model installed.
All signs are pointing to the exact improvement in accuracy we expect.
Stay tuned over the next few days for plots, kLOGs, and even talks related to this update.
Attached are teasers of "well at least we can say this":
(1) The TDCFs before and after the change. (The T-bars indicate the time when the calibration was "under construction", so ignore that bit.)
(2) The ratio of PCAL to DELTAL EXTERNAL before vs. after the change (Note the DTT template has a correction filter in it that is the source of the remaining large wiggle. Again, preliminary data.)