Reports until 22:32, Sunday 10 February 2013
robert.schofield@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:32, Sunday 10 February 2013 - last comment - 11:21, Monday 11 February 2013(5448)
PSL running in science mode

I shut down the HEPAs in the ante room and in the laser room, shut down the 2 ACs (though I could not see their effect, so they could be left on) and set the makeup air at 30%. Overnight the temperature on the table increased by a couple to several degrees. The IMC was still locking, though very poorly. Paul tuned up the alignment  of the IMC and the REFL_DC level returned to better than it had before the change (about 50 counts). The figure shows a comparison of IMC_F  and the accelerometer at the top of the periscope in the two modes.

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Comments related to this report
jan.poeld@LIGO.ORG - 02:44, Monday 11 February 2013 (5449)
How much overpressure is in the PSL laser room when you run the makeup air at 30%? Do you see an effect from the makeup air at different speed? When I reduced it at LLO I did not see any difference in MC_F.
michael.rodruck@LIGO.ORG - 11:21, Monday 11 February 2013 (5450)

I saw 0.013" of water overpressure from the laser room to ante room.