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Reports until 17:07, Thursday 10 February 2011
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:07, Thursday 10 February 2011 (545)
power outage, CDS recovery

Following the restoration of site power at about 10am, we brought all CDS systems back online.

iLIGO: all the h1 front end systems were restarted in prep for the squeezing experiment. The systems we were not able to restore are h1awg0 (irig-b timing problem) and FMCS (comms error with the web server).

aLIGO: all the aligo systems in the MSR, control room and Computer Users Room were brought back. We took this opportunity to create a power recovery document in the daq wiki and are updating the reboot/restart procedures.

Tomorrow we will scan the site for CDS machines which were missed today.

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