Reports until 16:18, Monday 11 February 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:18, Monday 11 February 2013 - last comment - 10:10, Tuesday 12 February 2013(5461)
PR3 optic suspended

With the help of Gerardo 1 and 2, and Deepak, we used the ergo arm to stuff the PR3 optic into the suspension.  We then suspended the mass, adjusting roll and height to within the 1mm tolerance and 1mm.  Official height numbers coming shortly.  Deepak will tweek the top stage BOSEMs into center tomorrow and then we're ready for Phase 2b TFs.

Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 10:10, Tuesday 12 February 2013 (5470)

We measured the diameter of the optic to be 265.1mm, while the vendor data posted on the CIT Nebula website shows 264.91 so we're in pretty good agreement.  We tweeked the height of the optic via adding 20g of mass to the top of the top mass, setting the bottom of the optic 26.6mm from the table surface.  This sets the center line of the optic at 158.75mm off of the table surface.  Nominal is 158mm as per the optomech layout drawing for PR3 on HAM2.