Reports until 17:22, Monday 11 February 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:22, Monday 11 February 2013 (5466)
h1fw1 back after Sunday Afternoon crash

Dan M investigated the MSR SATABOY failure which occured at 15:23 Sunday afternoon. The system was performing a weekly maintenance task and crashed, it is a mystery why this happed this weekend. He took opportunity of the stopped system to perform the same firmware upgrades on the Sun box h1ldasgw1 as he did with h1ldasgw0 last week. The h1fw0 system is back up and running.

We noticed a mismatch in min trend saving periods, 60 mins for h1fw1 and only 30 mins for h1fw0. I changed h1fw0 to use 60 mins which will be applied on the next daq restart.