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Reports until 14:44, Thursday 23 January 2020
sudarshan.karki@LIGO.ORG - posted 14:44, Thursday 23 January 2020 (54679)
Sensing Function Measurement with A2L Gain ON vs OFF

S. Karki, J.Kissel, S. Dwyer, C. Compton

We made two set of sensing function measurements during a routine calibartion measurment time on Monday 2020-01-20. We made the first measurement in normal configuration and the  second with A2L gain turned off.  The measurements, analysis scripts and the results are saved in the appropriate location in the cal svn as listed below:






Analysis scripts: (First script collects all past sensing function measurements and compares against these new two measurmnets and the second script compares the new two measurements by themselves)



Detail results can be found inside the following folder (svn/aligocalibration/trunk/Runs/O3/H1/Results/FullIFOSensingTFs/) but the main plots are attached below.

The first plot contains the comparison between the two measurements made on 2010-01-20 and the second plot compares them against all past sensing function measurements made during O3B.

The goal was to see if the sensing function is different at low frequency between these two configurations and results show that they are. Next step is to create a working model that describe these results. 

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