Reports until 15:02, Wednesday 13 February 2013
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:02, Wednesday 13 February 2013 (5485)
IOT2L ready for move (Kiwamu, Keita)

I and Kiwamu disconnected all cable connectors from IOT2L, and cleared the area around the table in preparation for IOT move.

LEXAN covers were put in place on the viewports.

Laser curtains/dividers were put aside in front of the PSL room and are leaning on the west wall.

Things that seemed to be for I/O purpose (labeled containers for IO mirrors, some mirrors and a couple of mirror holders) were put in front of Cheryl's desk.

When moving the table:

1. Do NOT crane it as it would be hazardous, they're not designed for this.  Unlike iLIGO tables, the legs of these are merely held down by claws.

2. One heavy cable bundle is still attached to the table by a zip tie. Break it first.

3. Two ducts are still trapped between the chamber and the table, though the duct clamps are loose. We need to keep these ducts.