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Reports until 15:35, Wednesday 13 February 2013
stuart.aston@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:35, Wednesday 13 February 2013 (5487)
India - MC2 (HSTS) Matlab TFs running overnight
[Stuart A, Jeff B]

Jeff reported issues running the automated Matlab TFs on his triple test-stand. I logged in remotely, but could not reproduce the errors he was seeing. 

So I have set Matlab TFs to run overnight on the LHO triple test stand. They will commence at ~8pm (CT) 6pm (PT), and run for approximately 8 hours.

While configuring these to run I noted that the x1sushxts model had been restored with the incorrect HLTS settings, so I re-configured for a HSTS and have taken a safe BURT snapshot.

n.b. please ensure watchdogs are un-tripped before leaving 

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