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Reports until 17:18, Friday 15 February 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:18, Friday 15 February 2013 (5515)
PRM Phase 2b

Attached are power spectra of PRM for Phase 2b checking.

-Damping seems to be working looking at 2013-02-14_1500_H1SUSPRM_**_ALL_Spectra.pdf

-Comparison between PRM L1 Phase 2a (Jan 2013) X1 (Sept 2012) and H1 (Feb 2013) has been plotted for damping on and damping off

(allhstss_2013-02-14_Phase2b_H1PRM_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf and allhstss_2013-02-14_Phase2b_H1PRM_ALL_Spectra_Don.pdf )

**Frequencies of the main DOFs for M1, M2 and M3 are matching the model and L1 power spectras.

**An extra peak appears at ~5Hz on several curves from L1 (ex : allhstss_2013-02-14_Phase2b_H1PRM_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf --> M1_DAMP_L_IN1 on page 7). Noisier environment there ?

**The amplitude of some power spectra from H1 PRM is higher than the ones from L1 (ex : allhstss_2013-02-14_Phase2b_H1PRM_ALL_Spectra_Doff.pdf --> M1_DAMP_Y_IN1 on page 12), and most of them are higher at low frequencies.

A reason would be that the PRM was uncovered during measurements (figured out afterwards) and "wind" could have made it moving. Will run power spectra again to check this, now the cover is back on.

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