Reports until 15:40, Friday 15 February 2013
kyle.ryan@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:40, Friday 15 February 2013 (5516)
Replaced PT343B gauge head @ X-mid (indicated value not yet calibrated)
Kyle, Gerardo 
Replaced PT343B gauge head -> The 1.5" metal angle valve (in series with the 1.5" O-ring valve) was found to be over torqued (closed) as its depth indicator was "off scale" combined with the observation that nominal applied torque resulted in no perceivable stem rotation -> We couldn't demonstrate that this valve's over torqued knife-edge seal leaked appreciably after replacing PT343B -> the rate of pressure rise indicated by PT343B when isolated from the BT and the pump cart (while rising through the 10-6 - 10-5 torr range) did not change noticeably when the O-ring side of the re-closed metal valve was vented versus when it was under vacuum 

We helium leak tested all joints of X1-9 prior to opening to the BT (baseline 1.5 x 10-9 torr*L/sec)  

Note: the indicated pressure value is not calibrated -> we will use neighboring gauges/history to adjust new gauge when time permits