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Reports until 16:56, Saturday 16 February 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:56, Saturday 16 February 2013 (5522)
cdsfs0 and h1seih16

cdsfs0 was reset. I verified from the control room that I could recover this system "remotely" via the administration port. If it fails again before Tue I'll try to remotely recover it, but for now it appears to be a Saturday problem.

h1seih16 When I got to the control room at 15:30 I noticed that h1seih16 had been frozen from 13:15. I took it out of the Dolhin fabric and tried restarting the models, but no I/O cards are detected. I took a quick look at the IO Chassis and found it without power (front panel switch is ON, 24V power strip has +24V LED ON). It looks like  a power supply issue so I'm leaving this till Tuesday. I'm running the models to "green up" the EDCU, but no useful data is coming from HEPI HAM1.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.