Reports until 18:09, Tuesday 19 February 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:09, Tuesday 19 February 2013 (5531)
CDS Maintenance Summary

lhocds. changed nat routing for ports 22 and 2222 such that SSH now routes to the 2fa server.

h1seih16. IO chassis power supply swap out and restart of front end. Dolphin problems meant we had to restart almost all MSR models which have Dolphin IPC.

h1dc0. went down a few times this morning in order to clone its boot disk in order to build h1dc1.

worked with PSL and HAM ISI groups to revert some recent SVN file changes.

Changed the NAT configuration of marble/h1dmt0 to route to the new auth login server as part of its install process

Performed OS upgrades of some CDS servers.