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Reports until 09:48, Wednesday 20 February 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:48, Wednesday 20 February 2013 (5533)
HEPI Plumbing Leak Testing Update
Since Wednesday when the welder completed the gross leak fix, the system had been losing about 1psi per day.  On Saturday all the valves to the distribution manifolds (at Chambers) were closed.  The pressure loss trend continued and yesterday a small leak was found and stopped on a Swagelok fitting under BSC1 where a 1/4" valve provides bleeding at a high point.  This morning the pressure was found to be holding so the main line valves have again been opened.  No pressure drop was observed so I am optimistic things are now leak free.  I may vent a couple small sections to install pressure transducers.  Otherwise will monitor the pressure for another day or so before calling it good.
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