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Reports until 16:14, Thursday 21 February 2013
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:14, Thursday 21 February 2013 (5554)
H1 PR3 Intalled in HAM2

Today, Travis and I (and some Arnaud) used both Genie lifts to move the PR3 from the chamberside work table to the HAM install arm.  With the arm mounted to the NE corner of the chamber, we could not get the PR3 exactly where we wanted it so we had to slide the sus around a bit to locate it in the cookie cutter (we recall hearing that this would be a small issue).  We then found that the safety pins in new HLTS brackets which mount the PR3 to the HAM install arm were very bound up when we tried to deinstall them.  After loosening lots of stuff, we finally got them free and were able to remove the arm from the suspension - we're having the locating pins bored out to a larger clearance since they don't need to be so tight.  We added dog clamps, removed the cookie cutter and will continue with the PRM install tomorrow.

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