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Reports until 15:30, Tuesday 26 February 2013
mark.barton@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:30, Tuesday 26 February 2013 (5584)
SUS model updates
Mark B. and Arnaud P.

Yesterday and today we made a bunch of minor model changes:

We added PCIE outputs H1:SUS-MC1_2_ISI_OFFLOAD_{X/Y/RZ/Z/RX/RY} to MC1, and similarly for MC2, MC3, PR3 (PR2 and PRM already had them).

We reconnected the watchdogs on PRM and PR3, now that they're in the chamber on the ISI.

We deleted "_2_SUS" from the names of PCIE inputs H1:ISI-ETMY_2_SUS_GS13_{X/Y/RZ/Z/RX/RY} in the TMSY model to bring them into line with what the ISI was sending. (The ETMy and ITMy models were changed to this convention earlier.) Similarly we also deleted "_ISI2SUS" from EPICS outputs (H1:SUS-)TMSY_ISI2SUS_GS13_{X/Y/RZ/Z/RX/RY} .

All of these mods were committed to the userapps SVN and were compiled and installed under rtcds 2.6.2 as part of today's upgrade.

We noted that h1susauxb123.mdl  exists in the SVN but is not under version control and resolved to find out its status and get it working and/or commit it.
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