Cheryl, Rahul
Transfer function results (all 6 dof) for MC2 and MC3 shows that they are healthy and free of any rubbing. The plots for each dof are attached below.
This completes tf measurements for 4 QUADS, BS and 9 triples (HSTS, HLTS, MC). Next in the line are doubles and single stage sus.
The dtt templates are stored at the following locations.
J. Kissel Finally exporting and processing this data for H1 SUS MC2, and along the way improving the templates, as I continuing the campaign to keep up librarianship with the history of all SUS (and today motivated by understanding the diversity in pitch mode frequencies among the builds). See attached first .pdf for "individual" comparison against the model, which includes cross-coupling and OSEM basis response. The second two attached .pdfs show comparison against all the recent history of this SUS, and a few other examples of the same type. I agree with the assessment that the SUS looked healthy at this time.
J. Kissel Finally exporting and processing this data for H1 SUS MC3, and along the way improving the templates, as I continuing the campaign to keep up librarianship with the history of all SUS (and today motivated by understanding the diversity in pitch mode frequencies among the builds). See attached first .pdf for "individual" comparison against the model, which includes cross-coupling and OSEM basis response. The second two attached .pdfs show comparison against all the recent history of this SUS, and a few other examples of the same type. The comparison between the 2018-01-03_2135 data (cyan), this 2020-04-15 data (green), and the much later and latest 2020-10-29_1530 (red) show that MC3 was *not* healthy during this time. Later investigations revealed that one leg of the differential analog output for the corresponding AI chassis that drove MC3's T3 coil had somehow gone bad between the O2 to O3 2018 and 2020 upgrades -- see documentation of the problem only after the 2020-10-29 data set in FRS Ticket 16116, and the most helpful / descriptive aLOG about it, LHO aLOG 57172. The last comment in the FRS Ticket and that LHO aLOG 57172 suggests that the problem was fixed. However, we did not take a confirmation set of transfer functions after the fix. We should get a new set of TFs at our earliest convenience. This failure mode will be a nice one for the