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Reports until 12:23, Thursday 28 February 2013
hugh.radkins@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:23, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5608)
BSC1 ITMY HEPI Moves (very little)

Since I removed the Dial Indicators yesterday I thought it would reasonable to document the numbers. I recorded the DIs before removing. I compare them to the last time I recorded them on 29 January after the HEPI Actuator Attachment. IAS followed shortly and Jason logged that the ITMy was within tolerance.

The dial indicator numbers suggest at worst a coherent rotation of about 180urads CW and a very slight tilt down(4mils) on the NE (+X,-Y) corner.  If this yaw is true, we are still in spec as Jason logged we were CCW 70urads.  However, the HEPI IPS which have been on line since Feb1 would suggest much less motion.  These suggest an up motion of <1mil all corners and incoherent horizontal moves of <1mil.  I would venture that the DIs have just not managed the duration without some disturbance.  So at worse we are still in spec and at best we haven't moved at all.

Displaying report 1-1 of 1.