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Reports until 17:43, Thursday 28 February 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:43, Thursday 28 February 2013 (5617)
IO mechanical work in HAM2 - never been closer
- Deepak, Cheryl

Installation of IO components on HAM2 is nearly complete.  PRM AR and EQ Stop baffles are installed.  FI rejected beam beadump is installed.  Dog clamps have been swapped, recorded, moved to the correct placements.  

Some issues still need to be addressed.
- IM4 baffle was reworked, and still didn't fit.  We looked into anomalies in it's assembly today and found only that it's 0.06" wider than designed.  LLO had to loosen the EQ stop plate to install their baffle, the same plate that is preventing our installation, so we'll try that tomorrow.
- IM1-3 still have SUS dog clamps.  A decision to keep them or swap them out for SYS dog clamps is pending.  If we have to swap them out, that's a min. of a few hours work.

Deepak assembled and installed the FI rejected beam beamdump.

I installed the HAM2 Table Optical Lever Mirror on the North side of HAM2.

Still to do:
- IM4 baffle
- torque to spec. those dog clamps we know are staying
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