Reports until 22:23, Friday 01 March 2013
cheryl.vorvick@LIGO.ORG - posted 22:23, Friday 01 March 2013 (5633)
IMC / HAM2 work today - baffles, dog clamps, and IMC not really flashing
- Deepak, Jeff K, Keita, Cheryl

A lot of activity around HAM2 today, working toward locking the IMC in air.

The IMC is ready to go, in HAM2 and ISCT2L, but we have an alignment issue from the PSL that will require the PSL top periscope mirror and the HAM2 Pico Motor actuated mirror to correct, before we can resume IMC flashing and locking.

When we went to laser hazard, I saw that the beam from the PSL was misaligned to the HAM2 periscope.  Iterations of aligning the PSL beam to the IMC alignment irises were unsuccessful, in that there is no way to align the input beam with just the top periscope mirror, and get a beam through the IMC that is centered on all the irises.  Many different attempts to rectify this were all unsuccessful, including significant realignment of IMC mirrors.  While in the PSL, I checked my alignment irises and found that two of the irises on the PSL no longer have a centered beams,, both by about a beam diameter, so there has been some significant beam pointing change. This means that aligning the PSL beam to the IMC will require the use of the top periscope mirror in the PSL, and the pico motor mirror in HAM2.

Other details on HAM2/IMC work:

IOT2L electronics were reattached and signals are coming through.  The table is sitting further from HAM2 than normal, since it gives us more room in the clean room, and REFL PD is not adversely effected by the additional distance.  The IMC REFL beam is aligned to the table, and we have a beam on REFL PD and can see the beam on the camera.

The semi-end of baffle installation/rework was today.  Jeff K, at my OK, used iLigo dog clamps on two baffles, HA1 and some other one he alogged - pictures to come.  Deepak and I installed the IM4 baffle.  There were a couple issues with the IM4 baffle, which are that it cannot be installed without loosening the EQ stop brackets, and when the EQ stop brackets are retightened, they are in direct contact with the baffle.  Picture attached.

IMC alignment irises were assembled and installed in HAM2, back to their locations from Dec. 2012, in front of MC1 and MC3, and behind MC3.  This fully defines the input beam used for the alignment of the IMC in air.

LVEA is back to laser safe.

HAM2 West door is rocking a 4-door-cover look to allow the IMC REFL to escape the vacuum system without exposing more of the chamber than necessary.

Images attached to this report