Reports until 10:42, Tuesday 05 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:42, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5652)
HAM2 HAUX B&K hammer measurements (chamber-side)

Jeff K. Arnaud P.

In order to confirm that the SUS-style dog clamps securing the HAUXs on HAM2 ISI table at LHO don't adversely lower their cage resonant frequencies, we took B&K measurements on IM1/IM2/IM3/IM4. We followed a similar measurement prescription as in LLO aLOG 3692.
The measurement was performed in chamber with the tri-axial accelerometer (as opposed to the laser vibrometer), mounted on the structure as described on the aatached picture ( X=Front and Y=side). The ISI table was locked, each had their IM scrapper baffles installed (secured to the front of the structure, as best they could be, see LHO aLOG 5633), the optic was freely suspended and the damping was turned off.

The pdf attached (2012-03-04_XYexc_H1_HAUX.pdf), shows that there is no resonances below the required 150 Hz (indicated by the vertical dashed line).

This should be sufficient proof that the SUS dog clamps are perfectly acceptable at securing the HAUX. Comparisons with LLO's data is to come.


The attached data lives in the SUS SVN under:


and has been committed as of this entry. This data was painfully exported following the procedure outlined here.

The data analysis was performed using


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