Reports until 21:22, Monday 04 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:22, Monday 04 March 2013 (5655)
H1 SUS MC1 and H1 SUS MC3 Transfer Functions Show Clean Bill of Health
J. Kissel

After noticing that H1SUSMC1 and H1SUSMC3 have deviated from their previous alignment (see LHO aLOG 5642), one speculation was that the SUS is somehow hanging improperly or perhaps rubbing. However, a set of transfer functions on both suspensions show that their dynamics are the same as what was in Dec 2012. A clean bill of health from transfer functions would/does not (of course) reveal the state of DC alignment (or cause of misalignment), but it at least rules out worst-case-scenarios like a wire break, invisible [EQ stop / flag / magnet] interference, or that somehow the optic's wires had been knocked out of their prism grooves. *phew*

The data was taken with the following DTT templates:
exported to ascii files with the same name (with the usual _tf.txt extension),
individually processed by 
and collectively compared using
Non-image files attached to this report