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Reports until 18:22, Sunday 20 February 2011
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:22, Sunday 20 February 2011 - last comment - 12:46, Wednesday 23 February 2011(561)
LHO Q3 Build
On Friday, we finished up rebuilding the Solid Stack with modified parts which allow for more head-room while working.  We helicoiled, and fit the Upper Structure with Top Masses, Top wires, and the necessary Table cloth walls.  
Joe O'Dell (RAL in the UK), Travis, and I continued working on the QUAD3 build today (Sun).  Joe loaded the Upper Structure onto the Solid Stack while we re-made a few sets of wire assemblies.  Joe also reset the UIM blade tips to the new heights of 15mm (nominal was 12mm).  We are working towards making a few measurements of lateral blade tip deflection while Joe is here, so we are currently building the QUAD with the following configuration.  The Reaction Chain will likely need to be refit to match the Main Chain after measurements are analyzed.  The Main Chain matches LLO's Q13 Build, and what they are working towards on Q14.  

Top Mass Weight = 22kg
UIM Weight = 22 kg
Top Mass Blade Tip Heights = 9.7mm shims (nominal was 6.7mm)
UIM Blade Tip Heights = 15 mm (nominal was 12mm)
Middle Wire Length = 2.7mm shorter than nominal
Bottom Wire Length = 3mm shorter than nominal

Top Mass Weight = 22kg
UIM Weight = 22 kg
Top Mass Blade Tip Heights = nominal at 6.7mm)
UIM Blade Tip Heights = nominal at 12mm
Middle Wire Length = nominal per D060516
Bottom Wire Length = nominal per D060516
Comments related to this report
betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 12:46, Wednesday 23 February 2011 (566)
We decided to proceed with making up the Reaction Chain as per the new parameter set, so it now has shorter wires to match the Main Chain.
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