Reports until 12:02, Tuesday 05 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:02, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5661)
PR3 Phase 3a power spectra (bis)

Following my previous log on PR3 power spectra, showing suspicious resonnances at 2.7 Hz for several degrees of freedom, Travis went in chamber and found a blade tip EQ stop touching.
A new set has been ran, and look very good, as what we expect.
To sum up phase 3a power spectra, the attached pdf shows comparison between LLO phase 3b (Sept 2012), LHO Phase 2b (Feb 2013), LHO phase 3a (before moving the EQS March 2013) and LHO Phase 3a (after moving the EQS March 2013)

data and plotallhlts_spectra have been commited on the svn

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