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Reports until 13:58, Tuesday 05 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 13:58, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5663)
Restoration of Mode Cleaner Suspensions
I've restored (both sensor and alignment) calibration on all mode cleaner HSTSs, in hopes to get the IO team back to where they started. With the alignment offset calibrations in place (i.e. 1.8751 [ct/urad] in P, and 2.6808 [ct/urad] in Y -- see LHO aLOG 4763), the DRIVEALIGN offsets are

        [ct]           [urad] 
MC1 P  -360.9 / 1.8751 = -192
    Y   420.0 / 2.6806 =  156.68 

MC2 P    -9.8 / 1.8751 =   -5.22
    Y   367.9 / 2.6806 =  137.2

MC3 P     710 / 1.8751 =  378.6
    Y     220 / 2.6806 =   82.07 

(where original "good" offset numbers are from LHO aLOG 5631)
I've also ensured that damping was on for all three suspensions.

NOTE: I HAVE NOT YET TAKEN A NEW SAFE.SNAP. This requires turning off the offsets and damping loops, such that there's no drive going to the suspensions. Since Cheryl wants to get going, I'll just capture later in the night when everyone's gone.
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.