Reports until 16:25, Tuesday 05 March 2013
LHO General
patrick.thomas@LIGO.ORG - posted 16:25, Tuesday 05 March 2013 (5665)
Ops afternoon summary
The PSL environment variables went invalid around 13:00. It appears that the h1ecatc1 Beckhoff computer rebooted itself. I do not know why. It restarted itself again when I was navigating through the folders. I uninstalled 3.3, Java 7 update and Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX. I managed to restart the IOCs after it restarted again.

The dust monitors in the LVEA all lost communication. Restarting the IOC seemed to bring them back. I burtrestored to 2013/03/04/00:00. Dust monitor 1 in the OSB optics lab is indicating a sensor failure. Dust monitor 4 in the LVEA had a low battery status again, but it has now gone away.

Mark B. added IPC inputs for ISI->SUS to the H1 SUS MC2 model. H1SUSH34 was rebooted.