Reports until 12:35, Wednesday 06 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:35, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5682)
PR3 Phase 3a transfer functions

After Travis moved the blade tip EQ stop (see previous entry 5661) I started a ran of transfer functions overnight.

M1 to M1 PR3 transfer functions are plotted for all degrees of freedom :

- Undamped TFs are compared to the model on the first pdf (2013-03-05_1046582748_H1SUSPR3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf)

- Damped TFs are compared to the model on the second pdf (2013-03-06_1046601031_H1SUSPR3_M1_ALL_TFs.pdf)

- Those measurements have been compared with LHO phase 2b and LLO phase 3a on the last pdf (allhltss_2013_03_06_Phase3a_H1-PR3_ALL_ZOOMED_TFs.pdf) with the following legend :  hlts model / LHO damped phase 3a / LHO undamped off phase 3a / LHO undamped phase 2b / LLO undamped phase 2b

Each DOF looks good, consistent with both model and previous measurements. 


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