Reports until 17:55, Wednesday 06 March 2013
vincent.lhuillier@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:55, Wednesday 06 March 2013 (5688)

Following aLOG 5671, I have started to restore the HEPI at EY this afternoon. Here are the few tasks performed:

- Large offsets were visible in corner 3. (Source of the shift (Feb 25th,2013) is unknown at the moment). I applied offset drives in the local basis to bring back the IPS within 3000 counts.
- I cancelled out IPS offsets in the Cartesian basis
- Few weeks ago, I modified the commissioning scripts such that the minus sign of the feedback loops is introduced in the isolation filters. Before the modification, I temporary put the minus signs in the Output filter bank to be able to use the "ramp up" script. I removed the minus sign from the output filters bank.
- Ramp up isolation filters
- Applied the yaw offset (-737800 counts)

STS-2 (ground instrument) looks currently off centered and signals are pretty flat. Centering the seismometer was unsuccessful.
STS-2s can be re centered either using by pushing the AZ button (front panel of the interface chassis) or using binary outputs. At this point, binary outputs are only controlled by the ISI models (the feature is not implemented in the HEPI models). I noticed that the STS-2 centering bit (at EY) was high whereas it should not (The ISI output word is right). I left the binary output cable (from BO chassis to STS2 chassis) disconnected.