Reports until 11:29, Thursday 07 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 11:29, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5703)
New h1suspr*_safe.snaps Captured
J. Kissel, A. Pele

Arnaud and I have given the three PR suspensions a similarly good thrice-over experts check on their infrastructure, along with a few updates and adding things that weren't in place in as-yet non-critical paths:

- Installing the ISI to SUS Witness Path (for PRM and PR3), 
- Installing and turning on the ASC ISCINF 2k to 16k AA filters 
- Turning on any band-limiting filters that were not already in the Watchdog paths,
- Ensuring the watchdog thresholds were set consistently and appropriately,
- Confirming the open light current compensation was up-to-date in the OSEMINF banks, 
- Confirming that the sensor calibration is turned on, 
- Confirming that the alignment offset calibrations were installed, 
- Confirming the BIO swtiches were set to State 1, 
- Installing the OL2EUL matrix (for PR3)
- Damping loop gains and filters are as desired, identical to LLO

As such, I've taken new safe snapshots, which are now committed to the userapps repo:
