Fil, Keita, Rahul, Corey, Dave:
We power cycled the CER IO Chassis and electronics for h1sush2a in the sequence:
put models MC1, MC3, PRM and PR3 into safe state
disable Dolphin port for h1sush2a
power down h1sush2a
power cycle IO Chassis, AI, coil drivers, binary and binary out chassis (AA chassis not cycled)
power up h1sush2a
Keita and Rahul confirm that the problem is now fixed.
Rahul found the error started around 20:30 UTC Friday 23. We had a high temperature issue in the CER around this time. The attached trend shows that the max temp of 31.5C (88.7F) happened around this time.
I have posted the results in LHO alog 57114.
Powering up h1sush2a caused the DAQ to restart identical to what happened last Tuesday, 20th Oct, when this front end was power cycled for an ADC card replacement.