Reports until 17:55, Thursday 07 March 2013
kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:55, Thursday 07 March 2013 - last comment - 08:01, Friday 08 March 2013(5716)
A new PZT mirror installed at ISCTEY and red in-vac QPD swapped on TMSY

[Keita and Kiwamu]

Details are coming soon.wink

EY stays laser hazard tonight. Alignment of the red beam path will be performed tomorrow.

Comments related to this report
keita.kawabe@LIGO.ORG - 20:02, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5718)

PZT mirror: PZT1 (1" holder) and its controller were replaced with the proper ones.

Newport mirror mount for 1" mirror was a hair larger than the optics. Corey tried both our green optic as well as Newport 1" optic, and both were loose to the point where the mirror would fall off of the mount.

I shimmed the mirror using about a half-inch length of a plastic bag strip and it was perfect fit. Not loose, not overly tight.

We first  restored the offset to PZT2, zero-ed the offset to PZT1, moved PZT1 so the beam is roughly centered on all three irises on the ALS table, and the beam was already hitting one of in-vac green QPDs at that point. I played with the offset of PZT1 so that the beam hits both of the in-vac QPDs, turned on the QPD centering servo, and we were back.

The whitening gain of the QPDs are apparently super large: I had to reduce the servo gain by a factor of 1000 to keep the QPD centering servo stable, and with this reduced gain the servo was reasonably fast. Whitening MEDM screen was all white, and I don't know if the whitening gains were burt restored, but it's not that important for the moment. I'll talk to Daniel tomorrow.

TMS/EY relative alignment: Good now.

After the PZT servo started working, we aligned the TMS to the EY such that the retro reflected beam from EY clears the Faraday and goes to ALS PDH diode. It's kind of tricky as TMS and EY are moving in the air, but it seems like on average it's good.

ISI was locked: Jim and Travis locked ISI, put an aluminum cover on EY and put a sock on EY.

Broken in-vac IR QPD2 was replaced in situ: All quadrants are working now.

The QPD in question is the one closer to EY:

QPD S/N = 3.

In the chamber, the broken QPD was removed by first detaching a rhombus-shaped face plate to expose the QPD, then plying the QPD from the PEEK/PCB/alumina plate assembly using the tip of a small screw driver that was thoroughy wiped clean. (We first tried to use our fingers but they were too big and week for the job, so we called Koji at Caltech to learn the proper technique.)

We inserted a new QPD (serial number 14) into position and put the face plate on.

These were done without removing the QPD cable assembly from the sled (nor the sled from TMS), so we don't have to worry about any gross change in the QPD position on the sled.

After this, we confirmed that all quadrants respond to light by using a head light Kiwamu was wearing while monitoring signal on dataviewer . (We also confirmed that the other QPD still works.)

Tomorrow: Will have to remove EY sock to get the retro-reflection back, and align the IR path using green leakage. Also we'll check the polarity of EY beam diverter.

kiwamu.izumi@LIGO.ORG - 08:01, Friday 08 March 2013 (5720)

PZT settings after the beam centering on the green QPDs

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT1_PIT_OUT = 3480.973 counts

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT1_YAW_OUT = 7083.696 counts 

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT2_PIT_OUT = -260.878 counts

   H1:ALS-Y_PZT2_YAW_OUT = 1702.087 counts


TMS settings after the alignment

   H1:SUS-TMSY_M1_OPTICALIGN_P_OUTPUT = -68000 counts