Reports until 18:37, Thursday 07 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 18:37, Thursday 07 March 2013 (5717)
User models for h1sush56 installed!
J. Kissel (D. Barker, J. Batch)

Since the CDS crew has the h1sush56 computer up and running, and I was already going through infrastructure sweeps today, I figured I'd close out by getting the user front-end models up and running for H1 SUS SRM, H1 SUS SR3, and H1 SUS OMC. After copying over the corresponding L1 simulink files from the userapps repo, changing L1 to H1, l1 to h1, and cleaning them up a little bit, it was straight forward to compile*. After the models were up, I followed the usual instructions to get the new infrastructure filled in, taking full advantage of the recently freshened up safe.snaps and filter files from the input arm suspensions. There's still a ways to go for the OMC because neither LLO or myself have put much effort into it yet, but we'll get there.

* There's still a small snafoo in that the second bit on the RT NET STAT word on H1 SUS SR3's GDS_TP screen is red, indicating (I believe), that SR3 is getting errors upon receiving the his optical lever signals from SRM over the PCIe Dolphin Network. Jim and I scratched out heads over this, and tried various combinations of fixing the IPC file, clearing out the IPC file (of the offending/new channels only), and recompiling, but to no avail. We'll leave it for tomorrow so Dave can take a look, but worse-comes-to-worst, we can just use Shared Memory which appears to be working. Naturally, it didn't help that I began compiling the models before I'd caught every instance of L1 to H1. (*).(*) But all of that's fixed now...