Reports until 09:37, Friday 08 March 2013
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 09:37, Friday 08 March 2013 - last comment - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013(5724)
BSC2 didn't completely survive the flight

This morning I turned on the CPSes at BSC2 to see if they all survived, and it looks like one didn't make it. The horizontal St1 sensor on corner 1 is reading 32k counts, which probably means a broken in-vacuum cable. I went out to the chamber and checked all of the in air connections,  which looked good. I then swapped the horizontal and vertical cables at the box to rule out the board, but the problem followed the probe. At this point it could be the in-air cable (they rarely fail), the feed-thru (seems unlikely), the in-vacuum connection (which can't be accessed right now, there's a hard cover on the chamber) and the probe. I'll try to swap the in-air cable later today, but the rest will have to wait until we can get back into the lower part of BSC2. We can still float the ISI and HEPI, but no post-flight transfer functions until this is resolved. I am a little surprised that this particular sensor broke, because the horizontal sensors are better protected than the verticals, and this corner had a better routing scheme than the other two.

Comments related to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Monday 11 March 2013 (5746)

After more investigating today, Hugh, Mitch and I discovered that the allegedly bad CPS seems to be innocent. When we swapped in-vac cables, the channel in MEDM didn't change, as it would have if the probe were broken. This leaves the feed-thru and the in-air cable. IAS and SUS are currently working in HAM3, so we will wait until tomorrow to try swapping more parts on the in-air side.

jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 09:46, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5758)

More investigating this morning, turns out the in-air cable was bad. Replaced it, and all the sensors are now working.