Reports until 12:22, Monday 11 March 2013
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - posted 12:22, Monday 11 March 2013 - last comment - 14:10, Monday 11 March 2013(5740)
HAM-3 ISI now locked

HAM3 is now locked. Went smoothly, but I noticed that the soft covers on both sides are very tight, like they are undersized, and hit the corners of the ISI. I'm not sure exactly when the west door was removed in relation to MC alignment activities, so it would probably be worth if for those teams to take another look at their alignments. With the ISI unlocked, a dragging cover is more than enough to pull the ISI out of position. Covers were pulled completely clear of the ISI before locking, so it should be back to its nominal position, now.

Comments related to this report
jim.warner@LIGO.ORG - 14:10, Monday 11 March 2013 (5743)

Trends from just prior the removal of the door on Friday 8th until lock-up at ~noon today. Final values are hard to see on the plot, but are all within +/- 300cts.

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