Reports until 17:29, Monday 11 March 2013
david.barker@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:29, Monday 11 March 2013 (5752)
IOP sus watchdog, overview screens, hepi pump controller

WP3757. I added the top OSEMS for PRM and PR3 to h1iopsush2a sw watchdog and disabled the wd on h1iopsush56. All models on these front ends were restarted. The s/w watchdog MEDM screens were modified accordingly, a new screen for the seih16 was added.

The SUS models for h1sush56 were added to the state-word overview medm screen. The detailed medm overview screen was redesigned to show the new state word and remove data duplication. Also GPS time and CPU usage was added, while unused features were removed. The h1sush56 SUS models were also added to this screen.

The DAQ was restarted with the addition of the LVEA HEPI pump controller slow channels. The pump controller MEDM screen was added to the SITEMAP medm screen.