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Reports until 21:51, Monday 11 March 2013
jeffrey.kissel@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:51, Monday 11 March 2013 (5754)
TMSY Makeover
Kieta and Kiwamu sat down next to me this evening and suggested "The TMS damping loops suck. Make them better."

 Upon accepting the task, I wanted to make sure I started from a good place, so I gave the infrastructure a good looking-over. I found a whole bunch that was just totally dissimilar to how the rest of the suspensions were done, so I gave 'er a SUS makeover. Perhaps most importantly for the current work at the end station -- I've made sure, above all else, that the optical bench is being offset to the same place as before the below upgrades. I've also captured and committed a new safe.snap.

Also post-changes, I've measured all six DOFs of Top to Top transfer functions. I'll process the results first thing tomorrow morning, but it kinda looks like there's some rubbing going on... 


Here's what I've changed:
- Only the offsets for OSEM Open Light Current compensation (in the OSEMINF banks) were in place. 
Assuming the offsets are accurate (I couldn't find any aLOG where they'd been documented), I've taken them as cannon, multiplied by -2, and taken those for the open light current (in [ct]):

>> offsets = [-11250    % M1_OSEMINF_F1_OFFSET
              -11550    % M1_OSEMINF_F2_OFFSET
              -14150    % M1_OSEMINF_F3_OFFSET
              -15200    % M1_OSEMINF_LF_OFFSET
              -9215     % M1_OSEMINF_RT_OFFSET   <--- why so low?!
              -15300];  % M1_OSEMINF_SD_OFFSET
>> olc = -2*offsets;
   olc = 22500    
>> gains = 30000./olc;
   gains = 1.333   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN
           1.299   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN
           1.060   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN
           0.987   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN
           1.628   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN
           0.980   % M1_OSEMINF_F1_GAIN

- Once the OSEMs were properly normalized, I can safely correct the sensor calibration filter (which had been set to the really old, incorrect 40.6 [nm/ct]). It's now like every other OSEM we've normalized to 30000 [ct] open light current: 0.023 [um/ct].

- Once the OSEM singals are in meters, I've upgraded the OSEM2EUL and EUL2OSEM matrices to preserve units across the transformations (they were just signs before). So now the EUL2OSEM drive matrix is
          % L            T            V            R            P            Y
            0            0            0      -12.821            0            0   % F1
            0         -0.5            0       6.4103            0       4.1667   % F2
            0         -0.5            0       6.4103            0      -4.1667   % F3
            0            0         -0.5            0      -2.7778            0   % LF
            0            0         -0.5            0       2.7778            0   % RT
            1            0            0            0            0            0   % SD

where the lever arms for R, P, and Y are 0.078, 0.36, 0.24 [m] respectively (copied from a QUAD Top Mass, since they're the same), and using E1200045 to confirm that the basis transformation was as expected (and it was). The OSEM2EUL matrix is the transpose (*winces, bracing himself for another round of "why the transpose -- it should be the inverse, right?"*). I've also updated the function
which calculates the values. Note, the function is only capable of doing RIGHT-handed TMTSs. It will need added functionality once we get further down the road.

- The alignment offsets were -72000 (P) and -53000 (Y). The EUL2OSEM matrix elements for P to LF & RT used to be [-1 1], and Y to F2 & F3 used to be [1 -1]. I've *divided* these by the lever arm in [m], so in order recover the original offset values heading out to the DAC, I should multiply them by the lever arms in [m].

-72000 * 0.36 = -25920
-53000 * 0.24 = -12720

These values have been entered in.

- I've used the SolidWorks model D0900419 to fill out the oddball, H1 BSC6 TMSY suspension point location with respect to the ISI optical table center. The vector from the optical table's surface center is (X,Y,Z) = (0.2,0.4889,-0.0998) [m], with a yaw (angle between +L and +X) of 270 [deg]. I've added and committed this info to ${SusSVN}/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/SEI2SUScoordinates.m and committed the updated projection file ${userapps}/isc/common/projections/ISI2SUS_projection_file.m (which is generated by the wrapper ${SusSVN}/sus/trunk/Common/MatlabTools/make_ISI2SUS_projections.m)

- Installed the usual ISI sensor input filters -- except that both the ISI and the TMTS are running at 4096, so there's no need for the 4kto16kAA filter. 
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