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Reports until 15:11, Thursday 14 January 2021
sebastien.biscans@LIGO.ORG - posted 15:11, Thursday 14 January 2021 - last comment - 09:10, Friday 15 January 2021(57662)
AMDs on ITMY done

Betsy, Travis, Seb

Installation of the AMDs on IMTY is completed.

It went very smoothly, no major issue to report. All the bonds between the AMDs and the flats look good. We observe a nice small ring of glue around the AMD bases. By looking through the test mass, we don't see any scratch or dust in the bonding, which make me confident that we found a sweet clean spot for all of them. The AMDs are in their nominal positions, except for AMD4 that is 1" away from AMD1 instead of the nominal 0.5" (see locations in the attached drawing). Not a big deal at all.

One thing worth keeping in mind: we had to remove the lower fiber guard bracket to install the tooling onto the cage. Since last install, new brackets have been put on (to compensate the removal of a higher bracket for VMD install). These new brackets are sticking out more and interfered with the AMD tooling.


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betsy.weaver@LIGO.ORG - 09:10, Friday 15 January 2021 (57667)
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