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Reports until 17:14, Tuesday 12 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:14, Tuesday 12 March 2013 (5770)
OMC cart2eul and eul2cart matrices

Jeff K., Arnaud P.

Filled up the CART2EUL and EUL2CART matrices for OMC. 


                    0.8572                     0.515                   -0.1402                         0                    -0.538                    0.8954
                    -0.515                    0.8572                    0.0094                         0                   -0.8954                    -0.538
                         0                         0                         0                         1                     0.125                    0.0642
                         0                         0                         0                         0                    0.8572                     0.515
                         0                         0                         0                         0                    -0.515                    0.8572
                         0                         0                         1                         0                         0                         0


                    0.8572                    -0.515                         0                   -0.5379                   -0.8954                     0.125
                     0.515                    0.8572                         0                    0.8954                   -0.5379                    0.0641
                         0                         0                         0                         0                         0                         1
                         0                         0                         1                   -0.1402                    0.0093                         0
                         0                         0                         0                    0.8572                    -0.515                         0
                         0                         0                         0                     0.515                    0.8572                         0

The values are saved in the /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/isc/common/projections folder under ISI2SUS_projection_file.mat.

In order to get those matrices we updated the script SEI2SUScoordinates.m with relative coordinates between OMC and the center of the ISI table (from the attached bgchbiai.png and HAM6[...].pdf for x, y, yaw and the solidwork screenshot for z from dcc document D0900295).




yaw=31 degrees

A new snapshot with safe values has been commited on the svn as well as the ISI2SUSprojection_file.mat file.

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