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Reports until 10:04, Wednesday 13 March 2013
arnaud.pele@LIGO.ORG - posted 10:04, Wednesday 13 March 2013 (5776)
PR2 power spectra check after alignment

PR2 (installed in HAM3 chamber) power spectra have been taken after yesterday's gross alignment.

The figures attached show a comparison for PR2 damped and undamped between :

-LLO Phase 3a  (Mai 2012) purge-air off, ham3 door closed

-LHO Phase 3a (October 2012) ham3 doors open and covers on

-LHO Phase 3a (March 2012) ham3 doors open covers off with M2 and M3 OSEM out

Looking at M1 DOFs of the undamped spectra, the resonnances are consistent with LLO and LHO previous measurements.

An other spectra will be taken after the fine alignment.

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