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Reports until 21:57, Wednesday 13 March 2013
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - posted 21:57, Wednesday 13 March 2013 (5789)
ODC MEDM screens for BSCISI and SUS QUAD
Ryan Fisher, Jeff Kissel, Stefan Ballmer

We started added the epics bit label strings to the ODC medm screen. Ultimately these strings are intended to be initialized my the front end model to keep track of long-term ODC bit assignment changes. For now we populated them by hand (see Ryan's elog).

So far we modified the medm screens for the BSCISI (BSCISI/ISI_CUST_CHAMBER_ODC.adl) and added the SUS quads (SUS_CUST_QUAD_ODC.adl). For the quads we modified the OVERVIEW screen to include a button to the ODC screen, and reduced the number of ODC bit indicators to the bits 0 to 12 that are currently used.

Many more screens need to be done: SUS triples and auxiliaries, HAMISI and HEPI.
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