Reports until 17:48, Thursday 14 March 2013
H1 General
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - posted 17:48, Thursday 14 March 2013 - last comment - 18:32, Wednesday 19 June 2013(5809)
ODC Summary Bits Enabled for all LHO Channels and Remaining ODC Work:
Each ODC channel has a Summary Bit that is used to indicate whether each system is in a nominally good operating state.  This bit is generated by checking that the necessary bits in the ODC channel are ON, as specified by the subsystem commissioners.  With the input from Jeff Kissel and Sebastien Biscans, we have set all of the EPICS variables needed to correctly populate the Summary bits for all active ODC channels in H1.  The EPICS variable Bitmasks are decimal numbers that correspond to a bitmask, where for each bit in the ODC channel that should be on when the system it is characterizing is in a good working state.  Here is an example:
In binary, this is 0111 1110, which indicates that bits 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 should all be ON when the SUS-BS is operating nominally.  If you are curious what those bits mean, you can do the following:

controls@opsws1:~ 0$ caget H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT1
H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT1             Master Switch ON/OFF Status
controls@opsws1:~ 0$ caget H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT2
H1:SUS-BS_ODC_BIT2             DACKILL Status

These BITMASK EPICS records were set using scripts located in /ligo/home/ryan.fisher, and attached to this entry (with modified file extensions so the alog will post them).

With this completed, the EPICS description strings for the bits set and the MEDM screens reworked, we believe we have most of the active SUS and SEI subsystem ODC channels operational.  

The remaining systems for which ODCs need to be implemented under SUS and SEI are: the HAUX (HAM-Auxilliary) front ends and the HAM-ISI front ends.  The latter should be implemented with the next update from the cds_user_app svn (anticipated Mar 15).

We will be generating new safe.snap files specifically for the updated ODC EPICS settings for all models and sending them to CDS-announce for incorporation into the SVN and live systems.
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Comments related to this report
stefan.ballmer@LIGO.ORG - 14:11, Friday 15 March 2013 (5817)
I added scripts for setting the ODC bit labels and masks in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/cds/h1/scripts

h1setODCbitmask:    Set ODC bit masks for HPI, ISI and SUS
h1setODCbitstrings: Set ODC bit labels for HPI, ISI and SUS
ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 15:27, Wednesday 24 April 2013 (6193)
Missed one file for ISI-HAM bitmasks, it should be attached.

I also placed corrected versions of Stefan's scripts in:

The equivalent files are attached.
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ryan.fisher@LIGO.ORG - 17:38, Wednesday 19 June 2013 (6812)
I have added EPICS bit label and bit mask settings for the ODC channels for the seismic systems listed below to the scripts:

/ligo/home/ryan.fisher/EPICS_Scripts/h1setODCbitmask :

Seismic systems added:


I have also added HPI-ETMX and ISI-ETMX to the script for when/if these are added.

I have run these scripts to re-apply all settings as of GPS: 1055723826